Casino x reminds me of my best friend smiley I miss you home boy I got much love for you and your brothers your home girl to the end angel 😇😇😇😇😇 smiley travision and Smokey misses you bye they're five stars 🤩🤩🤩
I'm not able to play them
I can't log into my Facebook account this game sucks.
Good game
Decietful scoring predetermined winning
The game is rigged do not waste your money
It Very fun kind of like the real thing but its free. It does give you the opportunity to buy more coins which I have never done. So I'm not sure if there's a real cash out. Being that I live in Utah gambling is not permitted in my state so it's one of the closest thing I have to the real thing. It saves my money and the drive to Wendover or Vegas so I guess in the end I am a winner with gas prices so high.
Well the setting are cool, but the only problem, we can't add a profile picture our casino x account
Tight games, chat lobby full of ID and Picture stealing trolls, vile attacks, spam, can't have normal chat. Chip hustlers, using porn pics, etc not for minors!